
How is a double precision number extended?

kuanxu33 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2
>> mp(1/3)            % Accuracy is limited to double precision
ans =                 % since 1/3 was evaluated in double precision first

How are the extended digits, i.e. 1482961625624739099293947219848633, created? Are they totally random numbers or some of them are determined by the guard digits in the double-precision representation of 1/3?

I've been thinking that a natural extension would be done by trailing zeros, resulting, for example, in the example above, something like:


Any discussion/comment is welcome. Thanks!



Toolbox uses binary representation of floating-point numbers

When we extend double precision number with zeroes (in binary representation) - it doesn't refer to zeros in decimal representation (please refer to some guides on floating-point numbers & their formats for deeper understanding).

Do not use mp(1/3) because 1/3 is computed in double precision and then converted to quadruple - final value has double precision accuracy (not the intended quadruple).

The correct way to compute constants to full accuracy is:

>> mp.Digits(34);
>> mp('1/3')
ans = 

>> mp.Digits(50);
>> mp('1/3')
ans = 


>> mp.Digits(70);
>> mp('1/3')

ans = 


In this case, double precision constant is not extended by zeros (in binary format) but computed with full accuracy from the onset (within limits of specified precision).


Could you please reply to another thread you started yesterday: https://mct.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/179-it-would-be-fantastic-if-quadeig-is-supported

We prioritize only well-motivated requests to add new functionality.


Toolbox uses binary representation of floating-point numbers

When we extend double precision number with zeroes (in binary representation) - it doesn't refer to zeros in decimal representation (please refer to some guides on floating-point numbers & their formats for deeper understanding).

Do not use mp(1/3) because 1/3 is computed in double precision and then converted to quadruple - final value has double precision accuracy (not the intended quadruple).

The correct way to compute constants to full accuracy is:

>> mp.Digits(34);
>> mp('1/3')
ans = 

>> mp.Digits(50);
>> mp('1/3')
ans = 


>> mp.Digits(70);
>> mp('1/3')

ans = 


In this case, double precision constant is not extended by zeros (in binary format) but computed with full accuracy from the onset (within limits of specified precision).


Could you please reply to another thread you started yesterday: https://mct.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/179-it-would-be-fantastic-if-quadeig-is-supported

We prioritize only well-motivated requests to add new functionality.

Thanks for the hint, buddy. The fact that the zero-padding takes place in the binary format instead of decimal totally slipped off my mind. Again, really appreciate!