
speed up of expm (

Michal Kvasnicka 4 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Pavel Holoborodko 4 jaar geleden 3

The presented improvement of expm speed (version is for mp.Digits = 34 or 100???


Speed-up is valid for all precisions, including quadruple.  For quadruple speed is improved by ~2 times, e.g.:

>> mp.Digits(34);M=500;A=(rand(M,'mp'))*10;

>> tic; expm(A); toc; % new Elapsed time is 12.147127 seconds. >> tic; expm(A); toc;  % old Elapsed time is 26.809653 seconds.

We can make it 4 times for quadruple is well, let me know if you are interested.

Sorry, wrong formulation of my question. I am asking for what precision are presented CPU times?

Of course Pavel, any additional speed up of expm for quadruple precision would be great, especially for me :). I just trying to effectively solve the stiff system of 1st order linear ODEs (constants differ by magnitudes of order), so expm plays crucial role.


In our changelog we use 100 digits, but speed-up is implemented for any precision level.

Ok, we can make quadruple even faster, e.g. like this:

>> mp.Digits(34);M=500;A=(rand(M,'mp'))*10;

>> tic; expm(A); toc; % new Elapsed time is 5.859282 seconds. >> tic; expm(A); toc; % old Elapsed time is 26.809653 seconds.

Roughly ~5 times speed-up. 

Give me a minute, I will send you mpexpm.p with appropriate changes for quadruple.