eigenvalues/vectors of asymmetric matrix
I am using an old version (more than 2 years ago) and can not compute the eigenvalues/vectors of asymmetric matrix. I do not know whether it can be computed in the new version. If not, please develop one. Appreciate it!
Customer support service by UserEcho
I guess you refer to generalized eigenvalue problem: eig(A,B).
(we support usual case of eig(A) from day one).
Now toolbox is able to compute eig(A,B) for any matrices A and B in quadruple precision mode (34 digits):
>> mp.Digits(34);
>> mp.GuardDigits(0);
>> format longG
>> A = mp(rand(100));
>> B = mp(rand(100));
>> tic; [V,D] = eig(A,B); toc;
Elapsed time is 1.6 seconds.
>> norm(A*V - B*V*D,1)
I am sure you will notice a huge difference in speed & functionality compared to an old version!