Your comments

Not sure where my answer disappeared.

Please use sym2mp(N(d1n)-N(d2n)) to convert "vpa" object to "mp".
There is only one way of converting 'sym' to 'mp' - through the string:

x = mp(char(x))  % x becomes of mp type
Please modify your program so that x become of "mp" type.

In general, there is no interconnection between "sym" and "mp" - since "sym" is of closed format of Mathworks.
We are not able to provide mixed-type operations for them.
Hi Gleb,

Multiprecision values produced by toolbox can be saved/read as usual:

>> A = magic(3);
>> save('test.mat', 'A')
>> load('test.mat', 'A')

However if your file contains multiprecision values generated by other software - you need to do the conversion.

The simplest way would be to convert computed values to string and then create 'mp' object from that string.


Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately it might take very long time for us to reproduce all the methods in arbitrary precision. I think most of them should be implemented in C/C++ to achieve high speed.

Could you suggest what particular functions you are interested in? (and for what application)

Yes, they are both supported. 

[X,Y] = meshgrid(mp(-2):mp(.2):mp(2), mp(-2):mp(.2):mp(2));

Z = X .* exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);


However these functions are usually used for visualization and mp-arrays they produce should be converted to double for plotting (like above in surf function).