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From my point of view is very important to compare multi-precision arrays creation, too!!!
>> tic; A = vpa(rand(1000));toc
Elapsed time is 16.637381 seconds.
>> tic; A = rand(1000,'mp');toc Elapsed time is 0.026866 seconds.
So in this case, you can see ~ 619x speed up!!!
I think, the MCT is really excellent tool ... :)
The probably most simple and fully functional way how to solve LP and NLP optimization problem with full multi-precision support is based on Matlab toolbox for Maple (MTM) + Maple 2020 + Matlab 2020a. Everything works smoothly and surprisingly effective.
The probably most simple and fully functional way how to solve LP and NLP optimization problem with full multi-precision support is based on Matlab toolbox for Maple (MTM) + Maple 2020 + Matlab 2020a. Everything works smoothly and surprisingly effective.
Communication with YILMAP development community was true nightmare, there is absolutely no motivation to change anything... :(
latest version:
Multiprecision Computing Toolbox, (c) 2008-2018 Advanpix LLC.
Version : 4.5.2 Build 12841
Release : 2018-10-24
Platform : GNU Linux
Processor: Broadwell-E (Core i7) / Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz
MachineID: =CDFCAA14732077BB4A62E2CE76AE1944= Works very well ... together with additional speed up! Thanks...
Does it mean, that you are switching to INTEL compiler on Linux? Or just upgraded to higher version of GCC on Linux?
Please, put the new release note always on your version history page! Other users does not read all notes on this forum.
Same problem on Linux release 4.4.4 Build 12666. When will be available the Linux version of this release?
thanks again for your comprehensive answer.
1. This is not fully valid answer. Many users using Linux as a regular desktop computer (not as HPC server). And performance of elementary functions is definitely significantly degraded on Linux relative to Windows. I am not speaking now about matrix operations at all.
2. You are right, that on *nix systems is MCT fastest solution currently available. Well done!!! I know, as you already said, that there are licensing (money) problem on your site to get Intel dev tools for Linux and MacOSX platform. But, you must understand, that for potential commercial users is this argument nearly irrelevant.
3. Anyway ... In the next year I will try to persuade my boss to buy at least one commercial license to our company :) ... to support your next development.
Thanks for your great toolbox!!!
thanks for your reply. Yes, I know that Intel parallel studio XE is best compiler suite available (I am using this compiler for many years, too). But what I do not understand is the fact, that you provide commercially the MCT for Linux and MacOSX with so significantly degraded performance. I just made some more thorough speed comparison testing and the speed slowdown factor > 5x (Linux vs Windows) is very common! This situation is really ugly surprise for me.
So, from my point of view, would be fair to all MCT users explicitly mention this fact, because there are definitely a lot of users which are using the MCT mainly on Linux machines (including me). On the other hand,I am sure, that majority of users operate MCT on Windows platform, so your decision to make best code optimization for Windows platform is fully understandable.
Finally, I am desperately waiting for future Linux MCT release based on Intel development tools, because the performance is the key requirement in multi-precision computing.
Kundesupport af UserEcho
OK ... version on Windows work well now!
BTW: The link http://goo.gl/pMXV3 does not work on Android devices only. From my PC it is fully functional.