
fliplr(['The Agony', ' and ', 'the Ecstasy'])

john doe 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Pavel Holoborodko 10 aastat tagasi 4
*** matlab code:
a = rand(3)
a0 = mp(a)
a1 = mp(a)

*** output

a =

0.2760 0.1626 0.9597
0.6797 0.1190 0.3404
0.6551 0.4984 0.5853

a0 =

0.2760 0.1626 0.9597
0.6797 0.1190 0.3404
0.6551 0.4984 0.5853

a1 =

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Multiprecision Computing Toolbox, (c) 2008-2015 Advanpix LLC.
Version : 3.8.4 Build 8907
Platform: 64-bit (Win64)
Release : 2015-07-21

Trial version. Valid until 2015-08-04

Open Source Libraries Acknowledgements:
MPIR 2.7.0 C Library for Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals.
MPFR 3.2.0-dev C Library for Multiple-Precision Floating-point computations with correct Rounding.
MPC 1.1dev C Library for the Arithmetic of Complex numbers with arbitrary high precision.
LAPACK 3.5.0 State of the art software library for numerical linear algebra.
Eigen 3.2.90 C++ template library for linear algebra.
Nika 1.1.0 C++ template library for numerical mathematics.
Boost 1.49.0 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
KISS FFT 1.2.9 Simple and efficient mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform library.
Good one! Will release fixed toolbox asap.
Please use quadruple precision until then (where this works fine).

Thank you!
Fixed version has been released. Please download it from our website.