error LU function (the devil is in the details)
%% test_lu
clear all %#ok<*CLSCR>
mem = memory %#ok<*NASGU,*NOPTS>
tic, [l,u,p] = lu(9), toc %#ok<*ASGLU>
% now do this...
tic, [l,u,p] = lu(mp(9)), toc
... and look at differences ...
mem = memory
% ... wait for while ( for me about 10..40 sec, randomly !)
% ...
% and then I get out of memory error window
... here is my output ...
mem =
MaxPossibleArrayBytes: 3.3001e+09
MemAvailableAllArrays: 3.3001e+09
MemUsedMATLAB: 735469568
l =
u =
p =
Elapsed time is 0.024654 seconds.
l =
{3x1 cell}
{3x1 cell}
[ 0]
u =
{3x1 cell}
{3x1 cell}
[ 0]
p =
Elapsed time is 2.856406 seconds.
mem =
MaxPossibleArrayBytes: 3.2757e+09
MemAvailableAllArrays: 3.2757e+09
MemUsedMATLAB: 760942592
>> mp.Info
Multiprecision Computing Toolbox, (c) 2008-2015 Advanpix LLC.
Version : 3.8.4 Build 8915
Platform: 64-bit (Win64)
Release : 2015-07-22
I reduced the virtual machine's memory to 1G and get much faster now out of memory
P.S. #2
L = lu(mp(9)) % Matlab crash
clear all %#ok<*CLSCR>
mem = memory %#ok<*NASGU,*NOPTS>
tic, [l,u,p] = lu(9), toc %#ok<*ASGLU>
% now do this...
tic, [l,u,p] = lu(mp(9)), toc
... and look at differences ...
mem = memory
% ... wait for while ( for me about 10..40 sec, randomly !)
% ...
% and then I get out of memory error window
... here is my output ...
mem =
MaxPossibleArrayBytes: 3.3001e+09
MemAvailableAllArrays: 3.3001e+09
MemUsedMATLAB: 735469568
l =
u =
p =
Elapsed time is 0.024654 seconds.
l =
{3x1 cell}
{3x1 cell}
[ 0]
u =
{3x1 cell}
{3x1 cell}
[ 0]
p =
Elapsed time is 2.856406 seconds.
mem =
MaxPossibleArrayBytes: 3.2757e+09
MemAvailableAllArrays: 3.2757e+09
MemUsedMATLAB: 760942592
>> mp.Info
Multiprecision Computing Toolbox, (c) 2008-2015 Advanpix LLC.
Version : 3.8.4 Build 8915
Platform: 64-bit (Win64)
Release : 2015-07-22
I reduced the virtual machine's memory to 1G and get much faster now out of memory
P.S. #2
L = lu(mp(9)) % Matlab crash
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Certainly, my code is valid only for full matrices.