Under review
toolbox updater tool - a elementary implementation
the intuition tells me that in the very near future this tool will be very useful; It seems that Pavel prepares a lot of updates (very pleasing, I think)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function advanpix_update() % check for a newer version than the locally installed, % download the new version and then launches the installer v = sscanf (version, '%d.%d.%d') ; % /matlabcentral/fileexchange/17285-getversion v = 10.^(0:-1:-(length(v)-1))*v ; if ~(v>=8.4), disp(' ... this implementation requires Matlab R2014b or newer.') return; end try text = webread('http://www.advanpix.com/download/','Timeout',5); % get version available for download newver = strtrim(strtok(regexprep(text,'.+Download Trial.+Ver.',''),'<')); % get local installed version info = evalc('mp.Info'); text = regexp(info,'Version.*','ignorecase','dotexceptnewline','match'); curver = regexprep(strtrim(regexprep(char(text),'[^0-9.\s]','')),'\s+','.'); if ~strcmp(newver,curver) instdir = winqueryreg('HKEY_CURRENT_USER','Software\Advanpix','InstallDir'); if exist(fullfile(instdir,'download'),'dir')~=7 mkdir(fullfile(instdir,'download')); end Url = 'http://www.advanpix.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1'; exe_name = ['AdvanpixMCT-',newver,'-Setup.exe']; disp('Try downloading the newest version of the toolbox. Wait, please ...'); % Check for supported Microsoft .NET Framework if NET.isNETSupported disp('Supported .NET Framework not found') % create .Net object to handle the file download NET.addAssembly('System.Net'); client = System.Net.WebClient; installer = fullfile(instdir,'download',exe_name); client.DownloadFile(Url,fullfile(instdir,'download',installer)); else options = weboptions('Timeout',30,'ContentType','binary'); olddir = cd(fullfile(instdir,'download')); try installer = websave(exe_name,Url,options); catch, cd(olddir); end cd(olddir); end % run the installer system(installer); else disp('The latest version of the toolbox is already installed.'); end catch ME rethrow(ME) end end
Customer support service by UserEcho
absolutely, yes!
The line 33
must be replaced with:
Thank you very much for correction!