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'OverrideDoubleBasicArrays' option and 'double' method

john doe hace 8 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 8 años 1

Reason why someone would activate the option "OverrideDoubleBasicArrays" is to work with the desired precision (superior to that offered by type "double").

On the other hand, in "classic" Matlab, no one uses the builtin function "double" with explicit intentionality to reduce the precision for data (most often on the contrary).

In order to shoot not themselves in the foot I suggest altering the method "double" like this:

if ~(mp.OverrideDoubleBasicArrays && ismp(x))
r = mpimpl(402,x); else r = x; end

En revisión

toolbox updater tool - a elementary implementation

john doe hace 8 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 8 años 4

the intuition tells me that in the very near future this tool will be very useful; It seems that Pavel prepares a lot of updates (very pleasing, I think)

function advanpix_update()
% check for a newer version than the locally installed,
% download the new version and then launches the installer

v = sscanf (version, '%d.%d.%d') ; % /matlabcentral/fileexchange/17285-getversion
v = 10.^(0:-1:-(length(v)-1))*v ;
if ~(v>=8.4), disp(' ... this implementation requires Matlab R2014b or newer.')
return; end

text = webread('http://www.advanpix.com/download/','Timeout',5);
% get version available for download
newver = strtrim(strtok(regexprep(text,'.+Download Trial.+Ver.',''),'<'));
% get local installed version
info = evalc('mp.Info');
text = regexp(info,'Version.*','ignorecase','dotexceptnewline','match');
curver = regexprep(strtrim(regexprep(char(text),'[^0-9.\s]','')),'\s+','.');
if ~strcmp(newver,curver)
instdir = winqueryreg('HKEY_CURRENT_USER','Software\Advanpix','InstallDir');
if exist(fullfile(instdir,'download'),'dir')~=7
Url = 'http://www.advanpix.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1';
exe_name = ['AdvanpixMCT-',newver,'-Setup.exe'];
disp('Try downloading the newest version of the toolbox. Wait, please ...');
% Check for supported Microsoft .NET Framework
if NET.isNETSupported
disp('Supported .NET Framework not found')
% create .Net object to handle the file download
client = System.Net.WebClient;
installer = fullfile(instdir,'download',exe_name);
options = weboptions('Timeout',30,'ContentType','binary');
olddir = cd(fullfile(instdir,'download'));
try installer = websave(exe_name,Url,options);
catch, cd(olddir); end
% run the installer
disp('The latest version of the toolbox is already installed.');
catch ME

Real generalized eigenvalue problem

Stefan Güttel hace 8 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 8 años 2

I have a generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = lambda*Bx, where A and B are real multiprecision matrices. I used eig(A,B) and expected that non-real eigenvalues came out in perfectly complex conjugate pairs (because I want to group them in pairs), but this is not the case. I'm not sure this should be considered a bug, or rather a question about whether there is a way to enforce that EIG returns perfectly conjugate pairs when A and B are real mp matrices?

Here is a simple example (tested in MATLAB 2015A and MCT version

H = [ 2.285927555469414e-03 -9.683344516608315e-03 0 0 ;

2.835630264340973e+03 1.995068176067767e+02 0 -3.217604282987038e-01 ;
-1.995068176067769e+02 2.835630264340972e+03 0 1.973947878435759e+00 ;
0 0 9.875839323886169e-01 -1.403672780503961e+01 ];
K = [ -6.767269167134378e-04 -2.108684486049049e-04 0 0 ;
1.424833496089810e+01 0 0 -1.608802141493519e-03 ;
0 1.424833496089809e+01 0 9.869739392178797e-03 ;
0 0 1.002472007707650e+00 0 ];

ee = eig(mp(H),mp(K)); % eigenvalue with real(ee)~100 not a conjugate pair
cplxpair(ee) % hence this fails

% Note: could use cplxpair with a tolerance, but for a real problem the
% eigenvalues should be exactly complex conjugate.

CAST method may also be useful to others

john doe hace 8 años actualizado hace 8 años 9

current status:

>> a = mp(mprandn(2,1))
b = [0, 1]
a =
b =
0 1

>> cast(a,'double')
ans =
>> cast(a,'like',b)
ans =
>> cast(b,'mp')
Error using cast
Unsupported data type for conversion: 'mp'.

>> cast(b,'like',a)
Error using cast
Unsupported data type for conversion: 'mp'.

>> cast(a,'ss')
Error using cast
Unsupported data type for conversion: 'ss'.

with a CAST method like below ...

function r = cast(A,newclass,varargin) %#ok<INUSL>
if strcmp(newclass,'like')
narginchk(3,3); newclass = class(varargin{1});
try r = eval([newclass,'(A)']);
catch, r = eval([newclass,'(double(A))']); end

... the new status:

>> cast(b,'mp')
Error using cast
Unsupported data type for conversion: 'mp'.

>> cast(b,'like',a)
ans =
0 1

>> cast(a,'ss')
ans =

d =
y1 0.4334
y2 -0.2701

Static gain.

Of course, my version is incomplete, but enough for me :)

By the way, on what grounds 'mp' inherits not 'double' ?


another case of undocumented syntax

john doe hace 8 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 8 años 7

from Version History:


[US,TS, Success] = ordschur(...) % three-outputs, with status as last one.


ORDQZ has the same peculiarity - see GCARE or GDARE code:

[HH,JJ,~,z(perm,:),Success] = ordqz(HH,JJ,q,z,'lhp') % five outputs


chol (~call) again

john doe hace 9 años actualizado hace 9 años 15
Pavel, for you in no case should underline the important function chol; unfortunately there are still some problems...
Please run the following few lines on the last version.

% *** ASSERTIONS *** (This has been incorporated into the documentation in R14SP3):
% CHOL expects its input matrix to be symmetric and only looks at the
% upper triangular portion of the matrix.

% CHOL function will return an error if it is only provided with a single
% output argument, and is also given a matrix that is not positive
% definite.

% CHOL function provides an optional second output argument "p" which
% is zero if the matrix is found to be positive definite. If the input
% matrix is not positive definite, then "p" will be a positive integer.

% *** ASSUMPTION ***

% Your implementation uses ?potr routine ...

% >>>>>>>>>> Let's test ...

%% A is scalar
% clc
mp.FollowMatlabNumericFormat(1) % just for convenience
A = mp(9) %#ok<*NOPTS>

R = chol(A) %#ok<*NASGU>
L = chol(A,'lower')
R = chol(A,'upper')

try [L,p] = chol(A,'lower'), catch, fprintf('mp [L,p] = chol(A,''lower'') BOOOM !!!\n\n'),...
[L,p] = chol(double(A),'lower'), fprintf('matlab ok\n\n'), end %#ok<*ASGLU>
try [P,p] = chol(A,'upper'), catch, fprintf('mp [L,p] = chol(A,''upper'') BOOOM !!!\n\n'), ...
[L,p] = chol(double(A),'upper'), fprintf('matlab ok\n\n'), end

%% A is matrix
% clc
A = mprand(4); A = A.'*A;

R = chol(A) %#ok<*NASGU>
L = chol(A,'lower')
R = chol(A,'upper')

try [L,p] = chol(A), catch, fprintf('mp [L,p] = chol(A) BOOOM !!!\n\n'),...
[L,p] = chol(double(A),'lower'), fprintf('matlab ok\n\n'), end %#ok<*ASGLU>
try [L,p] = chol(A,'lower'), catch, fprintf('mp [L,p] = chol(A,''lower'') BOOOM !!!\n\n'),...
[L,p] = chol(double(A),'lower'), fprintf('matlab ok\n\n'), end %#ok<*ASGLU>
try [P,p] = chol(A,'upper'), catch, fprintf('mp [L,p] = chol(A,''upper'') BOOOM !!!\n\n'), ...
[L,p] = chol(double(A),'upper'), fprintf('matlab ok\n\n'), end

%% Why is so important P?
% if your implementation (as I assumed) uses ?potr routine, the value of p will be
% the ?potr's INFO output

% clc
nice = false;
while ~nice
A = rand(4,6);
A = A.'*A;
[~,p] = chol(A);
if p > 2, nice = true; end

[L,p] = chol(A)
assert(all(all(L == chol(A(1:p-1,1:p-1)))))
[ma,na] = size(A)
[ma,nl] = size(L)


quad my own function with mp object

hongtaowei hace 10 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 9 años 5
hi, i have a function with its parameters of mp object, for example, k is a mp object, x is syms, and the function:phi=@(x,k,B) A*sin(k*x)+B*cos(k*x)-A*sinh(k*x)-B*cosh(k*x), I found it does not allow me to multiply k*x, how can I quad this function?

Error occurs when multiplying function's results with mps - -

Harry Li hace 10 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 10 años 2
Image 5
All variables including d1n, d2n are mps, and N(.) is the normcdf written by myself.

Either (-n*cx)*(L2/L1)^(n*cx)/L1, or '( N(d1n)-N(d2n) )' can be shown on the matlab. But when I multiply them all, the result is error. Can someone help me with that?

The following is the function N(.)
Image 6

eigenvalues/vectors of asymmetric matrix

Gang Yan hace 11 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 11 años 1

I am using an old version (more than 2 years ago) and can not compute the eigenvalues/vectors of asymmetric matrix. I do not know whether it can be computed in the new version. If not, please develop one. Appreciate it!


Roots of negative numbers

Michael_ hace 9 años actualizado por Pavel Holoborodko hace 9 años 2

The following statement does not work in multiprecision:

mp(-1)^(1/2) = nan

sqrt(mp(-1)) = 0 + 1i (but this is only an option for the square root)

Maybe it is not a Bug, but it is real necessary to implement it.

Thank you.